
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences

Didactic paths

The Mathematics pathway comprises an undergraduate degree programme in Mathematics. Students who attain all the necessary credits are then eligible to access the graduate degree programmes in Mathematics or Applied data science for banking and finance, or to continue their academic path with a doctoral programme at one of the various campuses, e.g. the international doctoral programme in Science.

The Physics education pathway is structured in three phases:
Bachelor level: undergraduate degree in Mathematics, curriculum in Physics
Master level: graduate degree in Physics, curriculum in Physics and curriculum in Physics for Technologies and Innovation
International doctoral programme in Science

The Informatics education pathway comprises an undergraduate degree in Mathematics, curriculum in Informatics. Students who attain all the necessary credits at Cattolica are eligible to access one of the graduate programmes in Informatics in the neighbouring provinces.

The Faculty

Those who choose to enrol in the Faculty of Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences tend not to accept things at face value but prefer to understand the entire perspective and investigate thoroughly: the desire and passion to comprehend and analyse are the fundamental aspects of this Faculty and of those who choose to be part of it.
Founded in 1971 with the aim of training teachers, today it can offer its students a much broader perspective and the possibility of undertaking important study and research experiences in the top European and non-European universities.