Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Facoltà di Psicologia

The help-desk aims to orientate students in the transition phase from graduation to postgraduate internship. The service management maintain ongoing relationships with public and private bodies offering internships and, every six months, they update the list of availabilities in order to offer graduates an ample range of choices.

Internship Committe
Professors: Emanuela Confalonieri, Maria Luisa Gennari
Contact Tutor for the contracts with company internships: Mrs Dott.ssa Silvia Serana

News and notices

  • Monitoring groups for interns
    The Faculty of Psychology organises a series of group meetings, conducted by a professional psychologist, aimed at elaborating and optimising the resources, endeavours and knowledge gained from your experience. It will also focus on the skills attained and the psychological needs of the contexts in which you are working.
    If you are interested in this initiative please write to Tirocini.Psi-Bs@unicatt.it specifying your giving name, family name,  type of graduate degree and email contact adesione by 5 December 2018.
    IlThe first meeting will be held on 14 December at 15.00 in contrada S. Croce. 17.30). You will receive details of the location a few days before the meeting.
    Emanuela Confalonieri e Marialuisa Gennari
    (Contact Tutors of the Postgraduate internship service, Faculty of Psychology)

  • New accreditation methods for postgraduate internship places in psychology
    The new accreditation methods are available for the postgraduate internship entities in psychology managed directly by the Lombardy Society of Psychologists.
    Download the procedure (ITA)

The Postgraduate internship service is open every Monday from 16:30 to 18:00 in Contrada Santa Croce no. 17, Third Floor, Psychology tutors office.

For information or appointments, please write to: tirocini.psicologia-bs@unicatt.it (Mrs. Serana).

Contrada Santa Croce, Third Floor, Psychology Tutors Office 
Telephone: (+39) 030.2406528
Open on Mondays from 16.30 to 18.00