Uniservitate is a global programme that promotes Solidarity Service-Learning (SSL) in Catholic Higher Education Institutions (CHEIs). This initiative, led by Porticus, is coordinated by the Latin American Center for Service-Learning (CLAYSS). The objective is to generate a systemic change through the institutionalization of SSL as a tool to fulfill their mission of offering holistic education to new generations and involving them in an active commitment to the issues of our time.
As a global network, Uniservitate seeks to establish solid and constructive links between higher education institutions rooted in very diverse social and cultural contexts, with the purpose of expanding dialogue and enriching the perspective of higher education in the acknowledgement of the multiculturalism that characterizes the contemporary scenario. Collaboration, open listening, respect for diversity and collective production constitute the bases on which the programme is built and grows day by day.
The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore has been part of the Uniservitate programme since 2021, as a member of the Southwestern Europe regional hub.